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Our Company

Welcome to our site. Our company was founded in 1996 and incorporated in January of 1999. Over the past 10 years, we have continued to grow and expand in our targeted strategic areas. In addition to maintaining our position as one of the world's leading source for international trade leads and business opportunities, we have also increased our involvement in the wholesale trade industries, business travel and event planning, as well as other areas. Our services have grown to become a significant force in the industry. We are excited by this growth but, more importantly, by what it means: We continue to have the trust and confidence of our clients and we are thankful for your support. Our goal over the next 10 years is to develop new ways of connecting you to your customers and to help you grow your business. Enjoy your visit to our site and please do not hesitate to contact us.

Golden Bridge Trade Center
519 Rideau Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5Z5

Tel: 613-741-8894
Fax: 613-741-7881

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